What Flagship is?
FLAGSHIP is a Horizon 2020 project that aims to reduce the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) for floating offshore wind to the range 40-60 €/MWh by 2030.
The initiative will develop and fabricate the first 10 MW Floating Offshore Wind Turbine (FOWT) assembled on a floating semi-submersible concrete structure in the Norwegian North Sea.
The main objective of the FLAGSHIP Project is to validate and demonstrate an innovative cost-effective Floating Offshore Wind Turbine (FOWT) to ensure imminent LCOE reduction in the range 40-60€/MWh. This aim will be addressed with a set of specific goals:
Key Technology Areas
FLAGSHIP Project covers the whole value chain and facilitates interaction between stakeholders notably through standardization, common design and work procedures, harmonizing strategies, digitalization tools and common agile reporting methods.
The initiative addresses the natural step that the wind sector must take to achieve economies of scale in floating wind power through better integration along the entire value chain starting with a single FOW solution at unit scale.
It will be followed by its industrialisation at wind farm scale for mass production and, finally, the project will ensure the versality and long-term feasibility of the proposed solution by concept scalability and lifetime extension.
Key Technology Areas (KTA) are defined at each level as part of the development that integrate the full solution.
Project Demonstration
FLAGSHIP concepts and tools integrated in the whole value chain will be exhaustively tested in a real operation environment in METcentre’s offshore wind test site in Norway, which will be operated by UNIT during the project lifetime. A step-by-step demonstration and validation strategy will be implemented to validate the developments as a global pre-commercial FOW Farm.